The Muse Series: With Leonie Bleasdale of Haze Underthings

For this fortnights Muse Series I connected with Leonie, creator of sustainable underwear brand - Haze Underthings. With a focus on ethically made, body-positive and (most importantly) comfortable underwear - Leonie has crafted a brand that looks good, feels good and is kind to people and the planet. Shop the full range here or visit the Haze Underthings instagram for more behind the scenes.



Haze Underthings is loved for its focus on comfort across all sizes (I can vouch for this - the Bridget knickers are the best fit!). How did the idea come about? Why is inclusivity important to you?

I was so tired of scratchy lace, and overly sexy; uncomfortable undies. When I tried to shop for sustainable underwear made of natural fibres, I was met with a flood of beige. Why oh why do companies think that 'sustainable' must be BEIGE? I wanted to wear underwear that I could comfortably lounge around the house in, that covered me but also felt flattering. And I have always been so drawn to colour, but it felt like an impossibility to connect the two. So that's where Haze comes in. Comfortable, colourful undies, made from high quality natural fibres and sewn by a team in England. 

And inclusivity is so important because I want people to be able to relate to the brand;  to feel seen and heard. I would hate to think that anyone looked at Haze and thought 'I could never wear that'. We want to celebrate all bodies. 


Sustainability is at the core of the brand - something that can be surprisingly challenging for a small business. How do you ensure you’re being a conscious consumer, especially when it comes to the fashion industry? 

Quite frankly i'm obsessed with small brands. I spend hours scouring the internet trying to find that hidden gem of a small indie brand that's doing something unique. I try really hard to only buy from makers in the UK to reduce the air miles, and only ever buy items that are made from 100% natural fibres - no plastic, no thanks! I must say, i'm a sucker for fashion though, so I do have to work extra hard to make sure i'm careful about who my money goes to.


What have you been inspired by in the small business and sustainable-brand space? 

People. Everyone works so hard, and cares SO much, it's very inspiring. The community is really lovely, and it feels like everyone is here to help and support you and pull you up on those days you're feeling a bit crappy. 


What does self-care look like to you? How do you practice this? 

Oh gosh, I'm not very good at self care. Well, at least not in terms of washing my face haha, but I do love to sleep, so, slow mornings with a cup of coffee - that's self care to me :)


What’s something you’ve learnt about yourself as an adult that you wish you could share with your younger self? 

"Be patient - you don't need to know it all right now." We live in such a fast-paced environment that we can easily get tired and bored when we don't see things progressing quickly. I think it's really important that we all try to slow down, and appreciate the little wins. 


Is there anything you're reading, watching or listening to that you're finding particularly inspiring or helpful right now? 

Let's ignore the fact i'm watching re-runs of SATC shall we ;) I LOVE a motivational book or podcast. Anything Tim Ferris or How I Built This. I think I've probably consumed all the HIBT podcasts now, but if you can find them, I would highly recommend the Yvon Chouinard podcast (founder of Patagonia), Sara Blakely (founder of Spanx), or the story of Jo Malone. Such cool stories (all on How I Built This).


Shop the full range here or visit the Haze Underthings instagram for more behind the scenes.